Recently I photographed two little boys, brothers, named Wiley age 4 and Brody age 2. The word "easy" is not one that I would ever associate with photographing two boys two years matter what age. However, there's a difference between challenging and pleasant vs hard and unrewarding. And even though they were a challenge more importantly they were sweethearts which made the challenge all the more worth it.
As soon as I walked into their house they made it their mission to identify every single part of the house- this is our table, this is my Dad's guitar, these are our stairs, this is my room... The best part was when they started to ask me about my equipment and even offered to help! That was a first for me, the little ones became my assistants helping me carry light stands and reflectors. And to their dismay my light stands were too cold from being in the trunk of my sincerest apologies. They were curious little monkeys but also so much fun.
What's funny about being a photographer is sometimes you get so immersed in the photo shoot that you don't notice things until after you go back and edit through your photos. As I was editing, I noticed a few things about these little guys. The first: there is no shortage of dreamy eyes with these young men.
The second: I do believe that Wiley will be the next Will Ferrell. I didn't notice the likeness of his expressions while I was shooting but when I was editing my shoot his photos made me crack up!
And the third: Mister Brody may only be 2 years old but there's an old soul quality about him. In the photos below doesn't it look like he could teach you a few life lessons (even with that pink heart sucker in his hand)?
As you can see they were lots of fun. Here are some of my other favorites from that shoot.
Thanks Wiley & Brody, looking forward to watching you grew up!